Industrial Designer/Furniture Designer.
Small Scale Workshop. Sustainable Practices.


Miles is a Naarm (Melbourne) based designer whose core values are designing for sustainability and user-centred design, with a key focus on timber and its deep connection to historical and traditional making practices. 

Tool Adytum

RMIT Honours Project


The small, yet functional backyard workshop.


A focus on hand tools and the importance of craft.

After completing an Associate Degree of Furniture Design in 2018, Miles became conscious of the importance of craft in context to the twenty-first century and our reliance on digital technology. In his work, he utilises a hybrid blend of hand tool and non-hand tool making allowing many bespoke creations to come to fruition.

In 2021, Miles completed a Bachelor of Industrial Design (Honours) at RMIT and appreciates the different challenges that arise in this field of design. He enjoys the design process and iterating prototypes to create meaningful furniture and objects. Recently, his work has concentrated on the accessibility of designing and making for all people, with a focus on sustainable design practice. 


Watch the video above to see how I made a spoon rest from a Golden Ash tree that was felled in my backyard.